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    An update to yesterday's update

    1 Apr 2021oscieDeveloper/Manager

    Yes, the Wii Fit Body Check Channel was unfortunately a rickroll. April Fools! However, we do have something good and legitimate to announce this lovely April 1st. After seeing how legitimately interested people were in the Wii Fit Body Check Channel and how excited people were for its release, we gained a real interest in bringing it back. As such, we are excited to announce that as of today, the Wii Fit Body Check Channel is officially in development!

    We are all genuinely sorry for this and, as you can see, are now working on it. Thanks for reading and sorry for getting your hopes up.

    — oscie

    He/Him | 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 | 16 | British kid who likes development, Splatoon, and rhythm gaming. May or may not own one too many squid plushies...
    WiiConnect24 is coming to WiiLink
    News Author PFP WiiConnect24 is coming to WiiLink
    Hey there! It is me back with another news article for you peeps! There has been alot of stuff going on behind the scenes of WiiLink so get ready!
    News Author PFP Digicam. Full. Public. Release
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    News Author PFP An update to yesterday's update
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet