Well, it’s been a while huh? It certainly feels like it. There’s been a whole lot of new announcements and content, so let’s get right into it!
The Resurfacing of Wii Fit Body Check Channel
Three years ago on April Fools, we announced a version of Wii Fit Body Check Channel, the mysterious Wii Fit channel that nobody could used thanks to it requiring a special SD card. That, of course was a rickroll (which in hindsight may not have been very smart). However, thanks to the efforts of Luna (translation) and Sketch (reverse engineering), we have been able to take a glimpse of what the channel is like. While it’s not much, this is the first bit of information we’ve got on the channel in years! If you’re interested, go watch it on YouTube!
Return of the Pizza
We did another development Demae Dominoes stream! After some delays and about 20 minutes of Ocarina of Time gameplay, we were finally able to confirm that yes, you can still order a pizza from your Wii in 2024, as well as being able to use the new order tracker on the Internet Channel! This tracker will show you specifically where in the process of ordering, cooking, or delivering your order is in. Life’s problems are truly solved.
Returning to YouTube
After a long time with very little updates, we’re utilizing the YouTube channel to a much stronger degree! We’re planning to put future series trailers, some episodes of originals, translated Wii Room episodes and more, on top of all our existing videos! In addition, we now have sorted playlists for any important videos to be cleanly sorted into. If you need to find a specific video, you may have better luck there!
New Lessons in Science
Thanks to Philemax, a new episode of Tondemo! Scicece is now fully translated! This 8 minute episode is all about the less known abilities of chameleons! It’s available to watch both on Wii Room and YouTube, so please go give it a watch!
New Additions to the Pantheon
We were able to get permission from some YouTubers and get videos onto Wii Room! Select videos from Cosmiz, f4mi, realbubble, and Michael MJD are now available to stream! If this is your first time hearing any of them, we recommend visiting their channel after watching them on Wii Room and supporting them.
Aero Serenity
The first volume of the WiiLink Original Soundtrack is now available! This features 10 tracks composed wonderfully by Kolton Ramos (Also the creator of Homebrew Tea!) and is 12 minutes in it’s entirety. It’s currently available on Wii Room, YouTube and Newgrounds, and a Spotify release is in the works!
Pog and Co.
Our development server has now taken over by the Pog & Co. dog. Please help.
That’s it for us here on the WiiLink Team! See you in the next update!
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Jess Williamson
Content Co-Director
They/She | Japanese | Manager of the Bluesky and owner of a possibly immortal rabbit.